Dyslexic Resources.
In this blog post I talk about dyslexic resources.
I talk about the ones we have used, the ones we are using, the ones we should use and the ones we would like to use etc etc etc!😅
I have summarised my dyslexic resources chat below and put links in where I can. I want to say before I start that all these resources are items you can buy so I haven't spoken about things we do to help Bass like giving him time, font sizes, pastel paper, sitting at the front of the class etc. That can be for another time!
All these resources are items you can go and buy and are available online. The resources are best used daily, which we have found really difficult! We've learnt the hard way that resources require daily effort. Consistency is key.
The summer holidays are coming up and although I'm a massive advocate that children need a break, to relax and recoup, the summer is such a good time to get into a 10-15 minute daily habit and will help your child's dyslexia massively.
Here's my dyslexic resources:
The best dyslexic resource you can have: slightly annoyingly because it is the most expensive resource is a private 1:1 dyslexic specialist. Someone who holds a diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties. We were recommended to look on PATOSS (Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties.) but it is costly and not totally essential because there are masses of dyslexic resources out there. Link: https://www.patoss-dyslexia.org
The best dyslexic resource you can have: slightly annoyingly because it is the most expensive resource is a private 1:1 dyslexic specialist. Someone who holds a diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties. We were recommended to look on PATOSS (Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties.) but it is costly and not totally essential because there are masses of dyslexic resources out there. Link: https://www.patoss-dyslexia.org
Two resources Bass uses in the classroom:
Word banks and Personalised Dictionary: Bass is given a variety of different word banks that he keeps by his desk. He also has a personalised dictionary - a little book with A to Z running through it and he pops any words into it that he struggles to spell.
Word banks and Personalised Dictionary: Bass is given a variety of different word banks that he keeps by his desk. He also has a personalised dictionary - a little book with A to Z running through it and he pops any words into it that he struggles to spell.
Privacy Board: you can buy these on Amazon and are good for any child that gets distracted. Bass doesn't use one but I used to teach a boy that really benefited from using one. I would speak to your child's teacher and see how everyone feels about using one of these. Link: https://www.thedyslexiashop.co.uk/privacy-boards.html
Resources you can use at home:
Resources to help with reading:
Toe by Toe: a highly structured multi-sensory reading manual for teachers and parents. 20 minutes max per day. Your child reads through the letter/word sounds and they get a tick if correct or a dot if wrong and they move on after they have got three ticks. We tried this with Bass when he was first diagnosed and got quite far into it but then stopped! This resources requires consistent effort. We might try it again over the summer! Link: https://toe-by-toe.co.uk
Fast Track Book AB: a book to help with your child's reading. You're given a set of cards to practise with daily. They are very much “teach, don't test” so when your child gets stuck say the sound or tell them the word, don't let your child struggle. Link: https://www.soundfoundations.co.uk
Coloured overlays: Bass uses a variety of coloured overlays when he reads. He also uses a bookmark to hide both the writing above and below. Link: https://www.tts-group.co.uk/assorted-coloured-overlays-a4-10pk/SD08143.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2LKmruO7-AIVVIFQBh2b2gglEAQYASABEgKGz_D_BwE
Fast Track Book AB: a book to help with your child's reading. You're given a set of cards to practise with daily. They are very much “teach, don't test” so when your child gets stuck say the sound or tell them the word, don't let your child struggle. Link: https://www.soundfoundations.co.uk
Coloured overlays: Bass uses a variety of coloured overlays when he reads. He also uses a bookmark to hide both the writing above and below. Link: https://www.tts-group.co.uk/assorted-coloured-overlays-a4-10pk/SD08143.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2LKmruO7-AIVVIFQBh2b2gglEAQYASABEgKGz_D_BwE
Resources to help with writing:
Cursive writing programme set to music called Callirobics: We haven't used this but apparently you use it for 5 to 10 minutes per day and it significantly improves your child's fine motor skills. Link: https://www.callirobics.com
Touch typing programme: As Bass is in Year 5 now and getting older we really must put this into practise and get him onto a touch typing programme and this one was recommended to us. Again we might try this over the summer. Link: https://www.nessy.com/en-gb
Resources to help with pre-teaching and pre-learning:
Online Video Revision Guide: I wouldn't be doing my job properly unless I mentioned Katie's Classroom here. It has helped Bass enormously. He watches my videos as a way of being pre-taught the curriculum but also as a way of revision especially revising anything he has found tricky and we use it as a way to build confidence, which has really helped his ability in Maths. Link: www.katiesclassroom.com
Revision Guides: Bass also uses my pocket-size revision cards both the English and Maths ones. These are absolutely brilliant for little reminders of terminology and the methods he uses in the classroom. The information is bitesize so not too overwhelming at all. Link: https://shop.katiesclassroom.com/collections/curriculum-cards
*Audio Revision Guide (Coming Soon!): I have realised recently that Bass would really benefit from an audio revision guide and we have been working on this here at Katie's Classroom so please watch this space. If you are interested in this, please reply to this email with a simple: YES!
Resources to help with spelling:
Precision Teaching: In Bass's Ed Psych report it was suggested we use this approach with Bass but we haven't yet. It is a structured way of teaching where the same 10 words are taught for 5 minutes every day using a multi-sensory approach and followed by one minute tests of these words and you record the score. Link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/precision-teaching-guidance-pack-t-s-2548756
Sound Linkage programme: This was a general phonics programme that was recommended to us too that we have yet to look into. Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sound-Linkage-Integrated-Overcoming-Difficulties/dp/1118510089
Phonics Flashcards: these have been an absolute life saver for Bass especially in his early years when he was starting to learn his initial letter sounds: Link: https://shop.katiesclassroom.com/products/phonics-flashcards
Picture Homophone Flashcards: We have used these with Bass a lot - basically see the picture, get the word. These are our specific ones but I don't remember them being £22 so I'm sure others can be found. Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/PICTURE-HOMOPHONES-SETS-FLASH-CARDS/dp/B00AUHO6Y4
Magnetic letters: We used these a lot with Bass when he was little. Link: https://www.elc.co.uk/games-and-puzzles/learning-games/Early-Learning-Centre-Magnetic-Letters---Lower-Case/p/540638
Resources for Self-Esteem and Confidence Building:
Positive Affirmation Cards: I swear by these cards. They work. One small positive thought in the morning can change your child's whole day. Link: https://shop.katiesclassroom.com/collections/children-5-11-years
Dyslexia Pocket-Size Cards: We have also produced specific Dyslexia Positive Affirmations, Understanding Me Cards and Help Me Cards - I highly recommend you shop the bundle. They will not only help your child but you too. Link: https://shop.katiesclassroom.com/collections/dyslexia-cards
Resources to help visual memory:
Play Kim's Game: 20 items on a tray and try and get you and your child to remember what is on their tray.
Resources to help with auditory memory skills (FREE):
Free games: There are lots of games you can play with your child to help their auditory memory and the best thing about them is that they're free! We often place games where Bass has to remember a list of items like: ‘I went to the supermarket and I bought..’ or 'I flew to the moon and with me I took…". Bass also loves listening to his audio books so we make sure we ask him questions regarding what he has just heard.
Ok I think that is it! I know there are many more resources but I hope this helps. Please let me know what you think and how you're getting on with any resources you and your child uses.
1 comment
I am a grandmother ,I want to be able to understand more of my granchildren world two of them are autistic I look forward to this new adventure xx